What do I do with my dogs?
This has been a question from people that know me and my dogs. They know that Cathy and I are alternate in ours and our animal’s health for a long time.
Over the last 18 years, we have kept all our dogs healthy with homeopathic and homeopathic type remedies and blends. In this time I have constantly run between 10-15 dogs.
I have bred enough litters to have a fair idea of what to expect, and what I need to ensure strong healthy pups and a good recovery for my bitches. I have also grown out a large percentage of our pups to different ages with success.
In the early days, we found that we could manage a lot of health issues with basic homeopathic remedies. We dealt with accidents, injuries and other day-to-day issues with basic remedies like arnica, hypericum, silica. This alone saved us thousands of dollars and lots of time and worry over the years. Using these remedies helped us to build healthy robust dogs.
It showed us the power of these simple but powerful tools (remedies).
We continue to grow and expand our knowledge because of the incredible results we’ve seen from the most basic remedies.
Over the past 9 years, we have now grown our techniques to a new level.
We now run what we call healing plans on all our dogs at regular intervals. In these healing plans we have combined muscle testing with not just the homeopathic remedies, but with some 18000 different energy remedies, including remedies for chemicals, bacterias, organ rates, gem essences, inherited diseases and lots, lots more. The remedies are made in a homeopathic style.
This has allowed us to build the level of health in our dogs far beyond what was thought possible.
All our dogs have had healing plans for clearing inherited, accumulated load and health issues. Everything that we have bred for the last few years has had their parents and some of their grandparents treated. We run plans on all our dogs before we breed anything.
I run a plan during pregnancy to make sure the pups are as well as they can be before birth.
We monitor and use basic tools during and after whelping to help with full recovery for mum. This also brings in lots of good milk for the pups.
We have found that if we wean our pups at 6-8 weeks of age with access to mum up to 10 weeks gives us healthy, stable puppies. Anytime we wean a pup or bring a new dog onto the places we treat them with a weaning remedy. This helps with grief and separation from rehoming so there is no set back to their health or immune system.

Overall Health
We use Homeopathic wormers, flea treatments and miasms for other diseases. We always deal with any problems as quickly as possible with both the basic remedies and plans to maintain health and vitality.
Whenever the occasional problem develops we treat quickly with basic remedies to achieve an effective and efficient resolution. We are dealing with a clean, healthy body and we find the remedies work very quickly. This is quite when working with clients’ dogs in emergencies; if we haven’t worked on them previously we have a huge load to clear, on top of the emergency.
All pups go into the homeopathic protocol of wormers, flea treatments and miasms. Miasmic remedies treat diseases most people vaccinate against – kennel cough, parvovirus, distemper, etc. I use these remedies after every trip away from the farm ie. when I go trialling to ensure I don’t bring any new exposure home to the property.
Being from a farming background, feeding has always been very basic; a good quality biscuit and meat when I can, which is not as often as it should be.
For the past few years, we have been feeding some puppy biscuits for the first three months after weaning. After that, they are back on to the basic feed with extras when I feel they need it.
This leaves nothing to chance. While we are very basic on the feed side, we are very particular on the health side. It is far easier to feed a healthy dog/system then try and feed something too health, which is impossible.
Cookie Ellie Joe
To book in for your furry friends first Healing Plan click here. For more information about Healing Plans click here.
To see our recommended remedies for your furry family click here.
We also offer a monthly worming that worms, treats the immune system, tartar, fleas and lice. To find out more click here.