Most likely you are visiting Heal with Ease because the Universe has guided you here. We welcome you to our world and hope we can help you improve the health of your pet. If you have found us through a google search, that’s amazing that you’ve found us amongst the millions of websites on the internet.

Our Business Values
We believe that the health of your pets should be in your control. Proactive Health may be a clique (in our town it’s the name of a local gym) but it is something we all need to consider. Many people have given up all control of the health of their pets and considering it’s the most important thing, that’s not a good thing.
Our Proactive Health plan is about knowing what goes into our pet’s body and helping them live in such a way that we support their good health.
Our family lives by what we believe, we don’t just give lip service to the idea.
We have changed many things about our life. If there ever is a time to make proactive changes towards the health of your pet it’s as soon as they arrive.
The things we’ve changed in our lives:
- No longer use chemicals inside or outside our homes.
- We don’t rely on the services of vets that are often set in their “medication is the only answer” ways, that they don’t look at alternative natural options.
- Being aware of what is in our pets food and its suitability (tested through muscle testing)
It’s crazy to consider you can make all changes in one day.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Slow and steady wins the race. Run your own race. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
I’m big on sayings, just ask my kids. They became sayings for a reason. One step today and another next week, and before you know it, you’ll have a whole new pet.
Where should you start? We’ve compiled a list for your consideration here.
How can Heal with Ease be of service to your pets?
We have two specific areas of our business. One is use-at-home remedies to empower you. These remedies will help you to deal with day-to-day issues without needing to run to the vets. If this is your first venture into alternative medicines, we are happy to guide you here.
Please feel free to email us at
The other way we can help is with our Personalised Healing Plans. If this interests you then you can read all about it at the relevant page here. Briefly, every animal is born with a load from their ancestors and from the moment they are conceived they start accumulating their own load. Where your pets are now with their health is a combination of both those things.
Inherited load + accumulated load = where the health of your pet is right now.
Our healing plans identify these things and, using our healing process we can clear these loads and support the body to heal the damage caused by them.
The Heal with Ease process is constantly evolving. It’s not a healing modality we have learnt from someone else – it has come together in sections from different teachers we have met along our journey, and even today 13 years later it is still evolving.

To read more about our Journey click here.
Thank you for visiting us. If after reading this you feel we can be of assistance to you, please contact us here to discuss further or, visit our shop here.
To book in for your furry friends first Healing Plan click here. For more information about Healing Plans click here.
Love and blessings
Eric & Catherine Tighe
Co-founders and Quantum Energy Healers
Heal with Ease