You may already be getting started on the journey to remove toxins, chemicals, etc. from you your pets life, and this list may just be a checklist for you. If however, you are just starting, we suggest you take your time. Don’t try to change everything in one go.

1. Healthy Water
I’ve said this to clients before, and they’ve asked me to explain myself. Do I mean bottled water? No, not at all. Water stored in plastic can sit in massive warehouses for months, years sometimes, and every heating of the warehouse will cause the plastic in the bottle to shed into the water, making it toxic.
Fluoride and other toxic chemicals are added to city/town water, so drinking water from the tap without filtering doesn’t give you healthy water.
(Fluoride impacts the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, digestive system, endocrine system, immune system, integumentary system ( the integumentary system comprises the skin and its appendages acting to protect the body from various kinds of damage, such as loss of water or damages from the outside. The integumentary system includes hair, scales, feathers, hooves, and nails, depending on species), renal system and respiratory system. Linked to Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and infertility.)
Probably one of the best investments you can make for the health of your pet, and the health of your family is a good inline water filter.
We have tank water and definitely, we filter all our water. Bacterias, parasites and chemicals live in tank water.
2. Chemicals
This relates to chemicals inside and outside your home. If something is designed to kill something, then it is poisonous. We need to remember that. If you use chemicals to spray your garden, your pavers or the weeds/bugs in your garden then you are exposing your animals to poison. Every chemical on the market is available for you to research the side effects. Look for the active ingredient not just the name of the product.
Inside your home, we use lots of chemicals too. There is a great reference called the Chemical Maze app, which you can download to your phone for when you are shopping, or you can get a physical copy. Know what is in the products you are using at home. This is a very toxic time we are living in. We can’t control the things outside our home/property but we can minimise our deliberate exposure.
Our good friend Krissy Ballinger has created a blog, a use-at-home guide and facebook page around cleaning the chemicals from your home, called The Inspired Little Pot. She is so passionate about this shift in chemical use and, is a wealth of knowledge on how to help you start this journey. Link:
3. Vaccines
This is a very contentious issue at present. I want to say right up front – vaccines contain some very toxic adjuvants like mercury (also known as thimerosal), aluminium and formaldehyde. All I want to say on this matter is vaccines need to be researched. You need to know exactly what is going into your animals. Be informed, be proactive.
4. Medications
Every medication comes with side effects, even your pain killers. In this informational age, there is no reason you can’t know exactly what side effects your medications are causing, by googling “side effects of …..” They might not have your brand specifically, but they will have side effects of the active ingredients in your pet’s medication listed.
Consider too, interaction side effects if your pets are on multiple medications. This might not be as easy to find on the internet but your vet should be able to give you this information.
Remember, you are now about Proactive Health for your pets. One of the first steps is finding out about the products you are currently using on them. If you don’t like what you find then you can work towards changing, reducing and/or eliminating them from their life.
5. What’s in Your Pets Food?
Again being proactive is key here. Research the brands and food that you are feeding your pets, if you are concerned we can muscle test the suitability of the food, for example, we’ve found worms in kangaroo meat (Kangaroos aren’t farmed so they aren’t treated for worms, this is something to be mindful of).
Adding a probiotic like Kefir is also a good idea.
It is far easier to feed a healthy animal than to try and feed something too health, which is impossible.
6. Treat Day-to-Day Issues
When we turned away from the medical system, we knew we needed something else to manage the day-to-day issues in our pets life. We use energy healing – Reiki, innate healing, energy remedies. Others use essential oils or herbs. Whatever feels right for you. For us, this became a way of living and a way for us to make a living. We went on this journey of discovery never having heard of Reiki or Quantum Physics.
As we became ready for our journey the right people and the right information just appeared in our life. Of course, we have taken it to the extreme and it will be our life’s work, but for you, it might only be that you want to help your pets or you might be on a journey to help others pets too. It’s exciting.
If you feel that Quantum healing as we do it, is right for your pets then we are happy to guide you. If not us, then look for someone to help you on your journey. Every pet is different, unique, individual. What is right for one is not for another. Find the modality that works for your pets to help them through the day-to-day health issues.
To book in for your furry friends first Healing Plan click here. For more information about Healing Plans click here.
To see our recommended remedies for your furry family click here.