I first heard about Cathy and her healing work through an acquaintance, whom I am deeply grateful too. She told me that Cathy had helped to heal her dog suffering a life-threatening illness after the vet advised there was nothing more they could do. I didn’t contact Cathy immediately, but later in the year when my own dog, Carabella, once again injured herself and this time was hopping around on three legs for over a week, I contacted Cathy for help.
Carabella is a 40kg female cross (Mastiff/Great Dane/Bull Arab/Staghound) now 7 and a half years old and very precious to me. She had been diagnosed with hip dysplasia at 2 years old in her right hip joint (having a very shallow hip socket for the ball of her femur to fit into and hence this was not a strong supportive joint – and would later lead to arthritis). Being an active dog she would run and jump and would often injure this joint, causing lameness and great loss of muscle through her right leg and hip. Vets recommended she have medication to try and regain cartilage, it was also suggested that she could have a range of surgeries (e.g. removal of the ball of the femur or a total hip replacement). We had tried the medication but didn’t notice a lot of difference and I wasn’t keen to go down the surgery route – with different levels of success reported – I really didn’t want to put her through the surgery and the recovery period. I had found a wonderful animal chiropractor (Robert Humphries) who has helped realign her spine and this has greatly assisted her, and her muscle did start growing back, however, she would still run and slip and injure her hip/leg….. and the process would start all over again.
So contacting Cathy felt like a bit of a last resort, as I didn’t like to see Carabella in pain and wanted her to be able to get around easily – it felt as if she was getting old too quickly!! And I wanted her to be around for as long as possible and be as healthy and pain-free as possible.
Cathy responded to me quickly and had Cara on a 9-day intensive healing plan, with a recommendation of 5 plans altogether. I was a bit shocked that Cathy found she was only running at 53% of her capacity! I paid for the first plan and continued to pay as each plan was due. I was familiar with energy healing and homeopathy, and trusted the process, although I couldn’t explain how it all works – however, I could definitely understand Cathy’s explanation to me that the toxic load (whether it was a lifetime build-up of chemicals, bacteria/virus/parasites, negative emotions or other internal influences) in Cara’s system wasn’t allowing her muscles/ligaments/tendons to heal and become strong enough to support her hip joint.
I was also interested and amazed, at all of the different things that came up to be healed for Cara (e.g. candida, exposure to insecticides, blockages or disruptions to nerve function, hormones, adrenals etc). However, the explanation of possible symptoms (given in Cathy’s plan) to this made sense, as did the explanation of the healing remedies and tonics used in each plan. As time went on Cara improved – she required an extra plan after she had dental surgery to remove a tooth under anaesthetic – but now after 6 plans (April 2020), she is so much better! Over the time her energy improved and I could tell she was in less pain. She began to eat more and her muscles began growing back. As time has progressed her back right leg muscles have improved so much that they are nearly the same size as the left side – and she has maintained stability in these, without further injury.
She is happier, and it feels like she isn’t as old as she was – jumping around and running and playing. I really do feel I will have her for so much longer now and that she has such a better quality of life with so much less pain.
Thank you so much, Cathy, for your healing works and care – I am so grateful and happy that I have found you and so is Carabella! I am also just starting on my last healing plan, having also jumped on board after Cara started. Anything that can lighten my toxic load to help me lead a more healthy, fulfilling and purposeful life I am happy to try and so very thankful for! (it just makes sense!) We will both be back in 6 months time for a reboot plan to keep us feeling great! Thank you☺️

To book in for your furry friends first Healing Plan click here. For more information about Healing Plans click here.
To see our recommended remedies for your furry family click here.