Diarrhoea and Hot Spots

This is a testimonial from Shelley Burns, who was struggling for a long time with health and behavioural problems in her Rottweiler Finn. Finn’s healing is a clear picture of how an overloaded body (bacterias and medications) can affect the behaviour. An overloaded body can’t cope with additional stress. It’s true for dogs, humans and all other animals.

After the Brisbane January 2011 floods my rottweiler puppy Finn picked up a nasty bacteria that, after 8 months of antibiotics and numerous vet visits, was not getting any better. Finn had constant diarrhoea, had started to develop what the vet diagnosed as food allergies, which led to hot spots and then required different antibiotics to treat. All of these issues impacted Finn’s behaviour, which was getting worse by the month.

Then along came Cathy & Eric from Heal with Ease. After Finn’s first plan, no more diarrhoea, no more hot spots. His food allergies disappeared and Finn’s behavioural issues settled down. Finn is a totally different dog now and what a difference it has made to my life. The Heal with Ease treatments have opened my eyes to the benefits of natural healing….it works.

Shelley Burns

To book in for your furry friends first Healing Plan click here. For more information about Healing Plans click here.

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